5 Reasons to exchange your Copper Faucet with a Stainless Steel Faucet

//5 Reasons to exchange your Copper Faucet with a Stainless Steel Faucet

Faucet finishes are always improving and becoming more solid in both brand-technology and pliability. Most buyers’ have specific questions about faucet finishes and which ones are the best for their households. American-made and manufactured faucets for new or remodeled homes have some of the best benefits around. They are built to last over a life-time and if they become defective are replaced by the manufacturer’s warranty.

Many modern-type of faucets have finishes that probably would not corrode for ages. With proper care, modern finishes can seemingly keep over time and remain beautiful and basically, worry-free! Modern faucets of today rarely drip because of the technology used to provide seamless faucets that are secure and leakage-free. This technology has the ability to make washer-less valves that have absolutely no drip nosiness.

However, some other more traditional valve-technology used can be awkward and need replacement over time. Faucets are made out of many materials today and the majority is constructed out of copper, brass and stainless steel. Some faucets in newer homes are constructed out of hardened plastic materials. Faucets are ordinarily made out of sustainable materials that can withstand the test of time.

The most common faucet metal is made out of brass. This material is used because it is a compound of both copper and zinc. The combination of copper and zinc provides a protective coating that assists against the growth of bacteria and kills the germs that may gather. No one really understands how this happens but brass has been a popular water faucet metal over the centuries.

Another very exquisite material for water faucets is called “Stainless Steel.” It gets its functionality for use in faucets because stainless steel faucets and stainless steel basin faucets do not need finishing! Stainless steel has no “lead base” which makes it a contender for water faucets, because of environmental of business practices.

The top 5 reasons why you should replace your copper water faucet with a stainless steel water faucet are:

1. Stainless Steel has no lead metals

2. Stainless Steel has its own finish and tarnishes less

3. Lead is a component of Copper not Stainless Steel

4. Lead contaminates water and causes poisoning in Copper faucets

5. Stainless Steel maintains environmental business practices

Today’s stainless steel faucets and basin faucets are usually made of 304 stainless steel. This is also known as 18/8 stainless. It has 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel. The nickel makes the steel structure increase in strength and flexibility.

Buyers, who are looking for the best type of metal for stainless steel faucets, stainless steel basin faucets, or stainless steel kitchen sinks, should always look for the steel to be “304 grade” and not just the metal “stainless” to be safe.

2018-05-22T00:28:39+00:00 May 22nd, 2018|House Keeping|
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